The offer that the Department of Sports and Health held annually to schools to develop workshops prevention program of drug use in adolescents and young will reach nearly 200 public and private schools and institutes of the municipality.
To make this possible, the Governing Board today approved the specifications for the procurement of the service, with a maximum price of € 168,300 and a term of 2 years.
The main content of the contract is composed of the workshop drug prevention, social skills workshops, audiovisual workshops and workshops for parents.
All of them, along with other drug prevention programs reach more than 12,000 students.
The Municipal Drug Addiction Plan which includes initiatives such fundamental objective work on the education sector and collaborates with education professionals from schools.
In short, it is to convey to students knowledge, values ​​and attitudes that can serve them some protection against risk situations to which they will be subjected in the future.
Drug use, whether legal or illegal, is one of the things that most endanger the health of young people and is the responsibility of the City Council, along with parents and educators, provide the conditions to become involved in prevention activities, in order to prevent and reduce health consequences arising from the misuse and abuse of drugs.
To address this risk youth, prevention is the key strategy.
It must be a shared task, which starts in the home, by parents, and continue in schools and spread to the entire community, especially in periods of leisure and fun.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia