Councillor for Traffic and Public Safety, Lola Sanchez, has delivered this morning contest prizes # Biciverano2016, within the activities organized during the European Mobility Week.
Users of Facebook and followers of the Office of the Bicycle have been sent in recent weeks their photos in which the only requirement was that the bike was the protagonist of the image.
The photographs have received more 'Like' on Facebook, they have been those of Ricardo Lopez, Antonio Montoya and Marta Marin who have won an annual subscription MUyBICI kit and a free biciregistro a kit free biciregistro and two tickets to Terra Natura and free kit biciregistro respectively.
In the winning image four members of the cycling association Bicisolidaria at the peak of Veleta paying homage to the sick and affected by Parkinson's appear.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia