"Check the shadow!" He said Isidoro Valcárcel Medina as he crossed the bridge from his house Ricardo Gil Street in the Barrio del Carmen, where he was born and spent his childhood and youth.
The shadow of the building of Convalescence, projected on the street musketeers behind him, made more bearable heat everlasting Murcia.
Now this renowned artist, last Velázquez Visual Arts Prize in Literature-equivalent Cervantes takes refuge in the room of the Chapel of Convalescence, in the Rector of the University of Murcia, to present his latest artistic bet, organized by the Classroom Visual Arts UMU and the city of Murcia.
The exhibition, curated by Isabel Tejeda, will be inaugurated on Tuesday, September 20, at 20 pm in the hall of the building of the Rector of the University of Murcia, and will be chaired by the Rector José Orihuela and City Mayor José Ballesta .
Chapel room was selected by the artist for the exhibition which was requested by the multiple connotations and has fully adapted to their intentions.
The sample contains a sound piece with references to his own biography and sound documents collected at the time as the auroros-, but also other music and sounds.
The artist has designed the show to listen to music with the score before him, although it is not a musical score to use. "This is a sound exhibition in which the sound is accompanied by the score of that sound I try to offer the viewer both the plastic image and sound, so that if anyone tried could follow the sound through the image, and also the other way around, "says Isidoro Valcárcel.
"Lording sound room and all the space," he says.
His aim: to offer the viewer a kind of semblance of what was this building for me, "but also" provide a semblance of what is the university for me, my aversion to the University as it is mounted "And appointment. the fact that "the rectory itself is located in the middle of the city, but the real university, education is a hundred leagues." "I try to make a criticism of what has become the teaching of culture".
Source: Universidad de Murcia