The massive influx of people to acts made in many cases remain small enclosures to accommodate such a large audience.
The Pilgrimage, which gathered nearly 800,000 Murcia, passed with absolute normality and just a hundred incidents occurred.
Health care devices attended 44 people, 18 less than in 2015. Rebeca Perez stressed that "we have lived unique festivals, which for 13 days have allowed us to enjoy more than 200 free and open events in 50 different locations throughout the city".
Murcia dismisses the most open and participatory Fair in recent years, so much so that urban spaces where events were held many remained small to accommodate the massive turnout of people, who surpassed all expectations.
This was the case, among others, the Malecon gardens and Gastrovín, which this year have also achieved a record collection.
More than 50 venues have been the scene of some 200 acts that have formed the festival program.
Along with the already consolidated as Belluga Square, the site of the FICA or the Malecón, this year have added new spaces such as the Segura River, the Plaza Circular and Plaza Romea.
Sports activities in the river Segura, the horse show "Murcia rides", the "Made in Murcia" event or exposure
service animal zoonoses have been some of the most significant developments that have taken place for the first time.
The most popular pilgrimage
According to estimates by local police, the Pilgrimage registered yesterday the presence of about 800,000 people, the highest in recent years.
Despite this, there was no incident of relevance.
In total, there were 110 incidents, representing 18.5% less than in 2015, when they were 135. The interventions were mostly agents for help and information services through the Office of Citizen Services - 66- for health assistance in hospitals -41, compared to 60 last year, and transportation to health centers -3-.
252 policemen were involved in this safety device, comprising from 7 pm in the Cathedral, to travel to the Shrine (into which acceded to 14:22 hours), with control measures and traffic surveillance, specific cut trafficking, prevention of criminal activities, protection and assistance of the participating public, besides the surveillance and protection established for other areas outside the pilgrimage.
The device extended into the afternoon, with the progressive eviction of the Sanctuary and surrounding areas, which ended coinciding with dusk setting.
From early Monday night, local police ordered control access to the area of ​​the Sanctuary, preventing unauthorized vehicles may be parked in the vicinity or roads next to maintain a clear passage of the crowd accompanying the image of the Patroness and emergency vehicles.
This device must be added the set in New Condomina occasion Murcia 40 Pop concert, which drew 16,000 people both on site and nearby.
Red Cross served a total of 71 people (40 cuts and bruising, discomfort and dizziness 17 and 14 from alcohol poisoning) of which 6 required transfer to hospital.
23 tons of waste
Moreover, the Department of Public Works, through Ferrovial Services, has collected 23,100 kg of garbage thanks to the special service launched on the occasion of the pilgrimage.
The team was composed of 119 people, including operators, drivers and foremen and a fleet of 24 sweepers, 4 tankers, 8 open flatbed trucks for unloading sweepers and 6 gatherers, who were responsible for emptying the 100 containers ready for use of pilgrims.
The collected volume corresponds to the route of the pilgrimage, cleaning the mountain, the concert in New Condomina, as well as in containers placed along the pilgrimage along the route to the shrine.
One more year, the City provided 30,000 bags degradable garbage in the route of the procession that has been very positive, since although the amount of waste is similar to previous years, there has been a significant increase in closed bags inside the container instead of loose debris.
In addition, there has been the result of awareness campaigns with increasing the amount of waste collected from yellow packaging containers, which will be recycled later in the Treatment Center Cañada Hermosa.
It also includes the 3,000-waxes Tuesday were distributed among the pilgrims carrying candles have largely avoided the showy wax stains on the pavement.
The special cleanup will continue until tomorrow.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia