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detail of Murcia


The City Council extend the spaces shade playgrounds neighborhoods and districts (05/09/2016)

The new play area Liberty Avenue has 140 square meters and has a circuit of adventure and special anti impacts floor in one of the busiest environments for families Murcia.

In recent months, the Department of Modernization has carried out more than 60 new performances construction and improvement of playgrounds in neighborhoods and districts.

The City of Murcia, through the Department of Administration Modernization, Urban Quality and Participation, is finalizing a plan to increase the spaces of shade in various playgrounds in the municipality, as reported the mayor of Murcia, José Ballesta, during Children visiting the new circuit enabled on Liberty avenue.

"This summer we installed the first system of shaded area with a modern pergola in the playground of the Plaza de Castilla, a pilot project which will extend to other gardens of neighborhoods and districts," said the mayor, who said that "the Avenida Libertad circuit also have shaded areas with especialeas installing awnings over the next few days, increasing the hours of play on one of the busiest environments by Murcian families. "

It is a space of 140 square meters, adapted and approved for children aged between 5 and 12 years, with a complete circuit of adventure with slides, walkways and games.

It is made with natural materials such as wood, so that its aesthetic is completely integrated with the urban landscape of the area, one of the most important commercial avenues of the city, "so it is a performance with high profitability Social".

The new playground also has special anti soil impacts, ensuring the welfare and safety of children.

During his visit, the Councillor for Modernisation, Jose Guillen, reported that the city will soon be installing another drive playground in this same area, exclusively for small children under 5 years.

More than 60 performances in neighborhoods and districts

In recent months, the Department of Modernization has carried out more than 60 new performances construction and improvement of playgrounds in neighborhoods and districts.

The new children's circuit opened today adds to the first zone multisensory and inclusive Murcia games recently enabled in the Garden of La Seda, to promote the integration of children of all ages and conditions, equipped with sensory stimuli.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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