The project, which started the Health Research Group, physical attitude, fitness and motor behavior (GISAFFCOM) UCAM, led by researcher Dr. Pablo Marcos Jorge Pardo, professor of the Faculty of Sport, along with domestic manufacturers Copele and Urban Environment, SL, and Metal Technology Center of Murcia, aims to improve ergonomics and effects on physical fitness (strength, endurance and flexibility) and functional capacity to different age groups who train in biosaludables machines, through mechanical optimization that enables training loads vary, and the application of new materials and coatings to increase their strength and durability.
Awareness campaigns on the importance of sport has led to the development of a multitude of platforms for physical activity, expert advice certifying their quality, thus reducing the risk of injury being necessary.
That is why the UCAM has launched an R & D aid program for research and technological development Development Institute of the Region of Murcia (INFO): "applied to improving the configuration Research mechanics Biosalud machinery, in order to achieve optimum benefit from the effects of its use on fitness and health "to advise the manufacturers of this machinery of public parks on the technical characteristics to be safer and more effective .
Source: UCAM