Dr. Horacio Perez Sanchez, with his `Research Group Bioinformatics and High Performance Computing (BIO-HPC) ', has created a technique, called Blind Docking (BD), which improves the accuracy in detecting active compounds against diseases, through supercomputing.
The BD, designed to encourage the activity of the pharmaceutical and biotechnology company, a technology has been made available to other professionals through the Blind Docking Server web platform, which will continue to work after the grant of this project European, to process in detail the most important interactions between study drugs and proteins responsible for disease development.
The development of this technique allows reduce the time of discovery of new drugs.
Eurolab-4-HPC is a European project that aims to link the best institutions in HPC systems to drive innovation and education to maintain the level of excellence in Europe as a leader in high-performance computing.
Source: UCAM