Councilman Let's change Murcia Sergio Ramos has expressed support for the legalization of all homes built in Joven Futura, although it has warned that this "can not be used to approve the amendment 50 of land-use planning (Plan) just as it was before the courts annulled ".
According to Ramos, "it was a mistake to concentrate so much density and housing in such a small area and orchard at the time was" something that "courts have recognized themselves."
To this, the mayor added that only executed 20% of predicted, demonstrating that expectations of the plan were "exorbitant" and did not conform to reality.
In this situation, the solution is a new General Plan amendment that would legalize and protect homes built garden spaces developable declared in the modification, according defends municipalist training.
He also considered that "all this are the death throes of planning the letter PP" that "instead of planning a cohesive city that integrates all social groups, making plans with thousands of homes aimed at a particular group in a particular area, leaving aside the integration. "
Source: Cambiemos Murcia