Portal de Murcia


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Antonio Navarro Corchón receives 12 young Colombians in the city of Murcia (06/07/2016)

12 young Colombians prestigious universities such as the Industrial University of Santander or Bucaramanga, visiting the city of Murcia received by the Town Planning, Environment and Huerta, Antonio Navarro Corchón in the city of Murcia.

The youth delegation is performing at the Metropolis Foundation a training process in projects of urban and regional development for implementation in Colombia.

Young people have shown an interest in knowing the vision of Murcia as 'Agrópolis', ie, capital of a territory of excellence in agricultural economics, and analyze the strengths of the city in this regard, the relationship between town and countryside and future strategies .

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

UNE-EN ISO 9001:2000 - ER-0131/2006 Región de Murcia
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