MURCIA NOW proposed today that the home help service is remunicipalizado, "under study all avenues to make this a reality."
Councilman Luis Bermejo has made this proposal welcomed by the other groups in the worktable City Council to study the redistricting of currently outsourced services.
Bermejo has presented the case of home help because "is a contract that will expire soon, which has a very important economic amount (more than 25 million euros) and that affects many workers, more than 300".
In addition, he stressed that "it is an essential public service, and now Murcia understand that they must always be managed directly by the administration, because it is basic public services that should be based on quality of service to citizens above any other consideration. "
The mayor of Now Murcia has indicated that in this case, as in other similar contracts (intensive labor and high cost for municipal coffers), "must make a detailed study for all technical possibilities of the City Council to ensure the provision sel service, so that the Consistory in any case ensure its quality for users, and ensure decent working conditions for workers who lend ".
Bermejo is convinced that when assessing who and how a service is provided "not only comes to assessing the lowest cost, but more important to consider quality, for which it must reshuffle all the possibilities public administration has in providing services to citizens. "
"In this sense, experiences such as those developed in Asturias, Catalonia, Navarra, Basque Country and Aragon show that there are possibilities of redistricting of services that could be implemented in the city of Murcia without extra costs for citizens and with greater assurance of quality for users. "
On the worktable the City Council to study the redistricting of currently outsourced services held today have been addressed, too, the Registration Service (Padron), the Information Service, the service 092, the Advisory Participation and Technical assistance to the Municipality Youth Associations and Program Support Training and Promotion of People Experiencing Social Exclusion.
Source: Ahora Murcia