The academic performance of students at the University of Murcia (UMU) it continues its progressive growth, as reflected in the report that the Quality Committee of the Senate has today, which is also indicated that the level of satisfaction of the same with the instruction received approaches 4 on a maximum score of five.
The report, based on the course 2014-2015, was presented during the session that the Senate has held in the auditorium, and it deals with analyzing, among other parameters, the yield rate, which measures the percentage of credits passed by the total number of students enrolled in a degree in relation to the number of credits they were registered.
The data highlighted an improvement in this indicator in all branches with respect to previous years, although more prominent in Science and Engineering, which continue to grow more sharply than other forms.
Taking into account the sex variable, the document indicates that women get a better rate of return in all branches of knowledge, as those reach the figure of 79.36 percent against men, which stands at the 70.15.
The success rate, which measures the percentage of credits passed by the total student enrollment in the degree analyzed in relation to the credits that were presented, also grows in relation to the previous year, to stand at 88.55 percent .
Regarding the assessment that the student does the work carried out by their teachers, in a score of one to five, the means obtained in all grades exceeded the midpoint of three, and the average for all evaluations completed, it was 3.84.
The report, which was presented by the Commission member Juan Antonio Fernández Campos, also includes a series of actions and proposals for improvement, among which are the reduction of teacher-student numbers ratio, the increase in supply bilingual courses and continuous evaluation and motivation of students.
To the proposals, the rector of the University of Murcia, José Orihuela, has said that some of them, such as reducing the number of students per teacher, have proved unworkable by Wert law, although it has shown its intention to analyze all with the desire contribute to the improvement that they would entail.
The Senate has also known the report of the Grants Commission, presented by the member of the same Joaquín Longinus, which is collected, among other figures, which last year 135,000 euros went to study aids, which were granted a total of 429 students, while the current call, the deadline for applications is still open, it has 246,000 euros.
The Senate has approved the granting of honorary doctorate professors Rosa Maria Alberdi, University of Illes Baleares;
Paul D. Beer, University of Oxford (UK), and Jose Luis Garcia Delgado, professor emeritus at the Complutense University of Madrid.
His proposals were endorsed respectively by the faculties of Nursing, Chemistry and Economics and Business and countersigned by the Commission of Academic Distinctions, headed María Jesús Ruiz.
In its report, Orihuela has highlighted the most significant developments since the previous session of the Senate, held last November, among which highlighted the signing of the Multi-Annual Financing Plan, the concert for clinical practice and some of the major recognitions by the institution he presides.
And it has advanced the creation of teaching innovation groups that will be allocated 200,000 euros for innovative programs.
Precisely rector proposal has held a minute's silence in memory of exdecano of Psychology and the campus of Lorca Love Jesus Gomez, who died recently.
Source: Universidad de Murcia