The III Theatre Festival 'Amparo Rivelles' of the Centers for Women, which runs from today until Wednesday, June 8, has begun this afternoon, organized by the Section of Women of the Department of Social Rights, who heads Conchita Ruiz, in collaboration with the Department of Culture, specifically the Bernal Theatre.
Sample is an activity that has been organized to lardo two decades, every year, to raise awareness of the work prepared in the numerous workshops theater and dramatic expression developed in the Centers for Women of the municipality.
For this occasion they have been selected 3 groups of theater total of 75 Centers for Women, conducting workshops Introduction to Theatre, comprising the following program:
· June 6: 19.00.
Women's Center of Avileses, Joy Mediterranean theater group.
Work 'Four hearts with brake and reverse' Jardiel Enrique Ponce.
· June 7: 19.00.
Center for Women La Arboleja, Albanta Theatre group.
Work 'Steps' Lope de Rueda.
· June 8: 19:00.
Center for Women Algezares, Olea Theatre group.
Work 'have killed Don Juan' by Federico Oliver Crespo.
Prepared works have been shown in many cases written and directed by women from the centers without being professionals in this field, found in the theater a communication channel to publicize situations, realities, feelings, emotions ... about a society that is producing a change in roles traditionally assigned.
Uninterruptedly between the years 1987-2007 have been made with the Romea Theatre, Theatre Festival of Women's Centers, revealing the roots and the interest in the theater, not only in the Centers for Women, but in our town, because, according to Ruiz Caballero he said "this shows year after year summons a large and varied audience in the theater of our city."
According to Ruiz Caballero, the main objective of this initiative is to "make known the group production of theater workshops conducted in the centers of Women, boosting the presence of women in artistic and cultural creation and raise public awareness of the position sample of women in society through these representations. "
Admission to the performances is free, with the only limitation of the capacity of the capacity is 267 seats.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia