Temple Campus Jeronimos UCAM host this morning June 7 at 19:00 the concert weekend course of Orchestral Workshops organized by the Symphony Orchestra of the Catholic University of Murcia.
At the concert, which will have free entrance until full capacity, will participate different study centers in the Region of Murcia among which are: College Arteaga Sucina, Colegio Isabel Bellvis Corvera, Colegio Jesus-Maria Alfonso X of Murcia, Juan XXIII Las Lumbreras, IES Miguel de Cervantes de Murcia, Our Lady of Arrixaca, Catholic College St. Vincent de Paul of El Palmar, Colegio Santa María de la Paz of Murcia, Colegio San Juan, College Cierva Peñafiel of Murcia and Instrumental Workshops Coral Discantus of Murcia.
In addition, on Wednesday June 8 at 17:00 there will be a workshop Piano in Maroto Maria College of Murcia, with free entrance until full capacity.
Source: UCAM