Antonio Sempere, Supreme Court judge and professor of Labour Law at the Rey Juan Carlos University, will deliver the inaugural lecture of the Second Conference PhD from the University of Murcia (UMU).
The plenary sessions of the conference, which will include panel discussions and communications, will be taught by King James I of New Technologies Award 2015 and professor at the UMU, Pablo Artal;
philosopher Victoria Camps and Eduardo Diaz-Rubio oncologist.
The meeting, which will be held in the University Community Centre (campus of Espinardo) from tomorrow until next Thursday, will serve for the dissemination of research activity and exchange of experiences between doctoral candidates and to discuss problems current doctoral students.
During the sessions, it will also address how to develop presentation skills and dissemination of the results of the research conducted in the doctoral thesis and will emphasize the value of a doctoral degree when entering the job market.
The opening ceremony, which will begin at 10:00 pm in the Auditorium of the Social Centre, attended by the rector of the University of Murcia, José Orihuela, and the director general of Universities and Research of the Autonomous Community, Juan Monzó, among other authorities and academic positions.
The conference is organized by the International School of Doctorate of the University of Murcia, headed by Professor Dr. D. Gregorio Sánchez, and are sponsored by the Cajamurcia and Seneca Foundations.
Source: Universidad de Murcia