Researchers at the University of Murcia (UMU) have received more than 4 million euros from the Ministry of Research, Development and Innovation of the Ministry of Economy (MINECO) for carrying thirty-seven projects.
The grants are part of the call 2015 the State Program of Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation.
As noted by the Vice Chancellor for Research of the University of Murcia, Juan Antonio Garcia, "this is the source of public funds allocation procedures most important and prestigious nationally competitive basis."
The financing obtained by the UMU represents more than half the money that the Ministry has allocated for the various research institutions throughout the Region of Murcia.
Of the total projects, twenty are to promote scientific and technical research excellence and will receive about 1.8 million, while the remaining sixteen, designed to meet the challenges of society, about 2.3.
By thematic areas, fourteen projects are experimental sciences;
eight health sciences;
five of humanities, five of legal sciences;
two math two also technical education, and one social science.
Source: Universidad de Murcia