Portal de Murcia


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detail of Murcia


The Council offers free morning and a guided route to the Arab castle of La Luz (27/05/2016)

The Department of Employment, Tourism and Culture, who leads Jesus Pacheco, has organized on Saturday a guided and free route to the Arab castle of La Luz, within the activities organized by the Visitors Center of Light.

This guided trail, where you can participate for free, will reveal the fortress built by the Moors in the twelfth century and next to the Castillo de la Asomada and Monteagudo served to defend the city from the invasion of Barbary pirates They are adentraban from the coast.

The hiking trail will be held from 10 to 11 hours, with a length of 2 kilometers and indicated from 8 years.

To reserve a place there to call the phone 968847286

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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