José Ballesta convene tonight to Murcia to celebrate the Day of the City of Murcia, with the reading of a Bando in the Plaza of the Apostles, in commemoration of the 750th anniversary of the granting of the Charter by Alfonso X, the May 14, 1266, which led to the constitution of the municipal government (the Council), "an institution that has survived over 750 years and from which we look back today to celebrate our origins as a people".
Let it be known:
"It was the king Don Alfonso, known to all as 'El Sabio', which displaying his wisdom and love for this land gave Murcia the 'rolled privilege' in which the constitution of its Council materialized".
"It is accurate and justice know and be proud of our history, and that in such event all residents of the city remember fondly and with great affection who so loved this city, who wanted his heart reposase in it"
"Murcia has been throughout history land borders, crossroads, crossroads of civilizations.
The same Murcia genius has been singularly assemble all these cultures, and impregnate each other to generate in this historical synthesis and a unique cultural personality.
It's time to deepen our roots, to know our origin. "
"That is why those who form the council want to give this anniversary courtship and accurate ceremony, having organized this cultural and recreational activities, which shall run from today until May 30 next year, and that will give splendor to this commemoration ".
"I invite all residents to participate in the events organized to know the origin of our city and feel the joy of celebrating that each of us continue writing the history of this lovely city that is Murcia".
"And to this day, the date of the constitution of our Council, is known by all, I come to propose that May 14 be declared as the 'Day of the City of Murcia' so that each year is celebrated this day with joy and solemnity.
Institutional event at 21.00 in the Plaza of the Apostles
Reading Bando is part of the act of the 750th anniversary of the creation of the Council of Murcia, a ceremony attended by hundreds of Murcia is expected, and tonight will be held from 21.00 in Plaza of the Apostles.
During the ceremony the Cantigas de Santa Maria of Alfonso X is interpreted, considered the most important work of medieval Spain.
Thus, the heart of the city will host a music and dance directed by Eduardo Paniagua, with the collaboration of dancers Murcia Dance Company.
It will also be given a copy of the Privilege Rolled 1266, the director of the Academy Alfonso X El Sabio, Francisco Calvo.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia