The Councillor for Education, University Relations and Heritage, Rafael Gomez, attended the XXVII Local Competition Road Safety Education and Accident Prevention 'My Safety is Education', in which 345 young people have participated in 46 schools.
Competition, is framed in the Road Education Program of the Department of Education and is aimed at students from 3rd of Secondary Education (14 to 15) of the municipality of Murcia, "as they are younger drivers and therefore where there is more to affect prevention, "said Gomez Carrasco.
The test consisted of passing a multiple choice questionnaire of 30 questions on rules and road traffic signs and first aid in three knockout stages.
The first stage is eliminatory and is performed in each of the schools, the second is also eliminatory, it can move to the third group who obtain at least 80 points, and in case of a tie in the third, the points will be added the second and third phases.
The specific objectives of this activity are to adopt habits of civic consciousness;
observe responsible behavior in conducting bicycles and mopeds, respecting rules and road signs;
know the causes of the accident risk group comprised between 12 and 16 years;
speed and adopt behaviors in line with habits of prudence regarding the speed of vehicles are conducted.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia