"Today Murcia can check if citizens vote in Murcia is to vote for radical leftist parties"
The spokesman of the Municipal People in Murcia on matters of districts, José Francisco Muñoz, and the presidents of the Popular Party in Nonduermas and Los Dolores, Isidro Zapata and Juan Carlos Tomas respectively, have offered a press conference this morning to show their "concern to know how to act Citizens voice in the election of the new headman in these locations. "
Muñoz explained that "we assume that if they vote for parties that do not have the majority, will happen as the council of Molina de Segura, a few weeks ago were expelled from Citizens for not supporting the most voted list in both cases, the Popular Party. "
"We would not want to be in the skin of the members of Citizens Nonduermas and pains that his position is played if a pact with the least popular parties. Today Murcia can check whether to vote Citizens in Murcia is to vote for radical leftist parties" , he wondered Muñoz.
"We believe today in Los Dolores situation by an administrative error of them, where they have a chance again to prove whether they will act consistently here in Barcelona and in Sebastopol or more and they will act in a way arises and . they will confuse people We ask citizens to define their position and defend what we defended in the municipal elections campaign: that he would vote the most voted "continued Munoz.
Zapata said that "we understand that if they act as did the council of Molina de Segura, his end will be the same as theirs: fulminating expulsion from the party."
For his part, Thomas recalled that "the headman of Citizens in Los Dolores had to leave his post receivable of two public institutions (the City Council and the Regional Assembly), probably due to an 'administrative error' '. Now we'll see if they play his position agreeing with the least voted or comply with the discipline of his party and supporters of the Popular party "parties.
Muñoz finished saying that "the Popular Party would seem outrageous, outrageous and shameful that the opposition parties to return to stage the so-called covenant deal with PSOE and can. If so, we hope that Albert Rivera, Miguel Sanchez and company are coherent and act like they did in Molina de Segura ".
Source: PP Murcia