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The Prince of Asturias hosts the next weekend the II'Final Four' of wheelchair basketball (12/05/2016)

The second edition of the 'Final Four' of wheelchair basketball will take place on 14 and 15 May in Pavilion Prince of Asturias and will involve 250 people, including athletes, referees, family members, technicians, etc.

The four teams that will contest the championship in Division of Honor of the National League Wheelchair Basketball Trophy Wheels Once Foundation are CD Ilunion, BSR Amiab Albacete, Getafe BSR and Bidaideak Bilbao BSR and has explained the Councillor for Sports and Health Felipe Coello.

The Final Four will be played ILUNION having rated the CD is the reigning champion, the BSR Amiab Albacete as second place and Cup finalist, and Bidaideak Bilbao Getafe BSR BSR third and fourth place respectively.

The matches will be on Saturday at 17:00 and 19:00 Bidaideak CD Ilunion against Bilbao and BSR BSR BSR Amiab Albacete against Getafe and Sunday at 09:30 hours.

Coello, who was accompanied by the Director General of Sports of the CARM, Alonso Gomez, recalled that "the first edition of the Final Four season was held last week in San Agustin del Guadalix, where he won the final on CD ILUNION the BSR Amiab Albacete by 66-56 ".

In November 2015 the Federation of Physically Disabled in the Region of Murcia, along with the board of Murcia CD BSR launched the proposal as an organizer of the Final Four 15/16 to FEDDF.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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