Portal de Murcia


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detail of Murcia


The PSOE requires the PP to prioritize the needs of Murcia to hiring consultants (06/05/2016)

"Sadly the PP continues to rule back to the citizens, even though, thanks to the work and pressure from the opposition are getting improvements for the town and the region."

This was stated Councilman Municipal Socialist Group, Juan Vicente Larrosa, who regretted that the Regional Government "more worrying about scratching funds for what matters to his advisers, for direct benefit, to improve life Murcia and Murcia, investing more in education, health, social services and transport ".

The PSOE mayor recalled that, in the municipality of Murcia, "there are associations of parents demanding day after day their children are no longer tuned in barracks that air conditioning is installed to avoid high temperatures classrooms that infrastructure and furnishing of schools are improved, etc. These requirements are not a priority for the Executive of the PP, but it is not to lose one of his advisers. "

"The same applies to the transport -HA Larrosa- explained. In Murcia the residents of villages remain marginalized, depending on public transportation cut by the Popular Party and paying a high price for a ticket. The PP wanted to divert care of their mismanagement and sloppiness in reference to transport, trying to blame the opposition of his apathy, but today we see are able to gather more than three hundred thousand euros to pay its advisers and not find a way to invest in improving the mobility in the municipality. "

Juan Vicente Larrosa recalled that last July, the full City Council of Murcia approved the recovery line 27 linking Beniaján with La Arrixaca and restructuring schedules line 30 to Zeneta, with the possibility of interconnecting with Beniel.

"Almost a year has passed without this agreement is fulfilled, although Ballesta and his team announced it with great fanfare as is customary in managing the 'mayor ad'. There is no money to invest in transportation, yes there for the PP is well advised, especially being close to the elections again. "

"It is clear. There is money for what the PP government considers priority and, sadly, the needs of Murcia and Murcia are not the first to Pedro Antonio Sanchez and neither are for Ballesta. Thanks to Socialist amendments, in the City Murcia some items of the budget were restructured to invest more in Social Welfare, Education and Employment. We scratch to improve what affects the daily lives of our neighbors, because that is our priority, "he concluded.

Source: PSOE Murcia

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