The Catholic University of Murcia and the Spanish Agency for Health Protection in Sport (AEPSAD) collaborated with the organization of the Conference on 'Education for the Prevention of Doping' in which it was intended to ensure that sport is fair play, as he remarked the Vice President for Research UCAM, Estrella Nunez.
The ceremony was also attended by Antonio Sánchez Pato, dean of the Faculty of Sport of the Catholic University and the director of the AEPSAD, Enrique Gomez Bastida ..
Bastida Gomez stressed the importance of deepening a topic as "concrete such as doping and corruption in sport".
The dean of research mentioned the commitment of the UCAM for the sport and its values, and emphasize the importance of knowing about the prevention of doping in education.
Due to this reason the university implement a Master in Prevention of Doping.
UCAM-AEPSAD agreement to improve the fight against doping
In addition, in the context of this conference it has also been known the agreement signed between the Catholic University of Murcia and AEPSAD.
Pedro Manonelles, Professor of UCAM Sports Medicine and president of the Spanish Federation of Sports Medicine, summed up the broad outlines of this agreement that will allow a more effective fight against doping: "We have signed an agreement with the Spanish Agency of Protection health to work on one of the lines marking the World Anti-doping Agency (WADA) in reference to investigate risk areas doping in Spanish sport. it is understood as risk areas to those circumstances where there is a greater risk that there are athletes who resort to doping techniques to improve performance. We had some previous studies worldwide laboratories doping control and proposed a similar study but expanded and referred to the Spanish context. they watched with great interest and therefore has signed this agreement to access these doping controls in a confidential manner without knowing the names of athletes, allowing us to make a study of the circumstances in which banned substances and have appeared in which these substances have not appeared.
We hope to provide elements that serve the agency to designate future doping controls more accurately. "
Source: UCAM