The Temple of Jeronimos Monastery this morning hosted the first session of 'Smart Campus 2016 UCAM', set in the Technical Conference SICARM 2016 and has been focused on the drones.
The legal framework, the latest developments and practical applications were the issues discussed in the various presentations and roundtables.
This day, which has the support of the Integra Foundation, the European Regional Development Fund and the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, has served to highlight some performances in which drones are used and.
Francisco Abril, CEO Simplification of Business Activity and the Digital Economy of the Region of Murcia, said at the opening numerous practical applications in which drones are becoming a tool necessary: ​​"It makes no sense work on new technologies if then there is no real application. drones are being fundamental in many areas such as agriculture, the audiovisual industry or rescue operations. We must move forward on that path because technology is a means to achieve the goals we want. "
water infrastructure
José María Barnabas, secretary general of the Hydrographic Confederation of Segura, stated in his speech a real example of the use of drones in water infrastructure.
"In the Hydrographic Confederation of Segura we have to continually keep the topography and bathymetry of reservoirs," he said, and explained that given the high cost of traditional methods, have already started a pilot project based on new technologies, example the use of drones on Valdeinfierno reservoir "that will be extended to more reservoirs since it has been shown that this system is cheaper and more accurate than those used so far."
Other exhibitions that were offered were served to show many of the real applications of drones: 'The Jeronimos Monastery: Drones and 3D indoor', 'Precision agriculture and wine farms' and' Drones in emergency services : people search '.
A growing sector that creates jobs
Rafael Melendreras, Vice Dean of the Degree in Telecommunication Systems, highlighted the work to be done with students 13 to 17 years in the workshops of 'UCAM Smart Campus 2016': "One of the goals is to attract young people to new technologies and encourage technical careers are studied because the career prospects of these titles are very broad and industry professionals demand. "
Regulation key factor
Javier García, of the Air Services Costa Calida, gave a presentation on 'Regulatory aspects of flying drones' in which he recalled that the legal vacuum of this activity is already part of the past: "As of July 2014 there was no official regulatory framework . Since then it begins to regulate this activity. a degree to become a pilot of drone and to be air operator is required. The law marks a number of limitations altitude, distance to pilot, and fly zones, as can be airports or urban centers, to be known. "
Source: UCAM