Councilwoman Let's change Murcia, Margarita Guerrero, will ask the municipal plenary on Thursday the launch of a protocol intended to inform the public about the levels of existing and planned pollution, as is done for pollen and weather conditions, through the media and the website of the City.
Guerrero has proposed that such data with recommendations about what to do if there is provided pollution peaks as well as preventive measures specifically targeted at risk groups, made up of people with respiratory problems and asthma, among others spread.
The mayor of the municipalist training has insisted that while air pollution is a matter for the regional administration, the session may also adopt training and information to ensure public health supplement those promoted at the regional level measures.
"This is to normalize the processes of public information regarding air pollution, always from a preventive perspective and to facilitate the public to be aware of potential health risks, for example, to avoid intense exercise outdoors if no provision of high levels of pollutants such as ozone or nitrogen oxides "he explained.
Source: Cambiemos Murcia