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An exhibition created at the Museum of Science and Water of Murcia will be shown at the Planetarium of Castellón for seven months (01/04/2016)

The Board of Governors approved the cooperation agreement between the city of Murcia and the city of Castellón for the transfer of the exhibition 'The Dark Side of Light: light pollution' which is in the Museum of Science and Water Murcia, under the Department of Employment, Tourism and Culture headed by Jesús Pacheco.

The agreement allows the exhibition display at the facilities of Castellón Planetarium for seven months from its inauguration, with the possible extension of the assignment.

The exhibition, which has already been to La Coruna and Valencia, explains, in a multidisciplinary way the problem of light pollution, physical causes and consequences on biodiversity, energy use, human health, providing possible solutions and promoting awareness before that phenomenon and citizen participation.

The main objective of the agreement is to encourage curiosity and bring the public the scientific knowledge in a fun and participatory way, in addition to sensitize the visitor against the abuse of natural resources of our planet.

Castellón City Council will complete the exhibition with pieces loaned by the Museum of Science and Technology (MUNCYT), as originally designed.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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