The Unit for Equality between Women and Men of the University of Murcia has announced a short story contest on women, with the aim of promoting the values ​​of equal opportunity, the elimination of gender stereotypes and use non-sexist language, while intended to stimulate and exercise the imagination and creative activity of students of the University of Murcia.
The stories can be submitted from March 8 to April 8, inclusive.
They have a minimum length of two pages and a maximum of six.
Each participant may only submit a story that will have to be original and unpublished and not having won any awards in other contests, nor be subject to any commitment editing.
The jury will be composed of the Director of the Unit for Equality between Women and Men, Eva Maria Rubio Fernández, the Coordinator of the Service of Culture, Diana de Paco Serrano, Pascual Vera, magazine Campus, and a person representing the Council Students of the University of Murcia.
all participants will communicate the place, date and time of the awards ceremony, being essential assistance to pick the winners.
Source: UMU