In 90% of cases handled telephone form the maximum waiting time is 1 minute
A delegation of the City of Alicante this morning visited the city of Murcia, in order to learn the proper functioning and innovative initiatives Information Service and Citizen of Murcia.
Councilman Administration Modernization, Urban Quality and Participation, Jose Guillen has accompanied the councilman of Human Resources, Organization and alicantino Quality, Carlos Vicente Bertomeu, in working visit to the units located in square of the Apostles where the areas of personal assistance, call 010 telephone and telematics formalities care, as fundamental pillars of the Service.
In addition, Guillen has shared also information on the operation of the technology platform, the system management procedures and the specific operation of telephone service 010, in which the city of Murcia has over 20 years of experience and you get usually outstanding grades in successive satisfaction surveys are conducted.
Thus, the average citizen satisfaction 2015, reflected in the reports of results of surveys conducted for the first and second half 2015, including both face and telephone information is scoring 9.1 out of 10.
It has also been treated using mobile applications as a channel of communication and management of demands, suggestions and ideas of citizens in relation to the Administration.
At the working meeting it has been addressed also information system of external quality certification (AENOR) with which account the service and the Service Charter, which summarizes commitments quality in different areas such as presence information, registration document management and municipal procedures, service appointment, complaints and suggestions, mail and telephone service through chat.
The maximum waiting time of 10 minutes face service in 95% of cases and 1 minute telephone information in 90% of cases, not exceeding 3 minutes in the other cases are some of the commitments reflected in the Charter of current Services City of Murcia.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia