Attention and dedication of the University of Murcia (UMU) persons with intellectual disabilities have been recognized with the award of institutional Laurel Award, awarded by the federation Full Inclusion Region of Murcia.
The award, a proposal from the ASTRADE association of families of people with autism spectrum disorders, welcomes the creation by the UMU a Chair to promote research, dissemination and awareness about autism.
The Chair ASTRADE since its launch earlier this year in collaboration with the association, works in the development of various research and educational activities, as well as designing a specialized master.
The director of the federation full inclusion, Joaquín Barberá, and the director of Astrada, Jose Manuel Santos, have announced today the award of the rector of the educational institution, José Orihuela award at a ceremony held in his office in the building of convalescence.
Laurel delivery of prizes, that meet its twentieth anniversary, will be held on 8 April, at a gala to be held at the University UMU Social Center on the campus of Espinardo.
Together with the University of Murcia, have been awarded Alcampo (a proposal ASSIDO for hiring workers with intellectual disabilities), FNAC (at the initiative of CEOM, by training workers with intellectual disabilities), AK Productions (promoting a Day Centre, proposed APANDIS,), Federation troops and legions of the Festival of Carthaginians and Romans (promotion of a Special Employment Centre, an initiative of Astus,) and Javier Celdrán Lorente (support to associations, on a proposal from ASTRAPACE) .
Source: Universidad de Murcia. Fotos: Luis Urbina