Dr. Luis Sanchez del Campo Ferrer, a research team led by Professor of the University of Murcia (UMU) Jose Neptuno Rodriguez Lopez, working on the design of specific treatments that are key in repairing cell damage after applying radiotherapy patients.
"We intend to study the effect of new therapies on cells after exposure to radiation in order to avoid resistance mechanisms," the researcher UMU.
The results achieved by Sánchez del Campo suggest that control changes in proteins could be a novel and efficient strategy for treating cancer.
In 2015 this researcher obtained one of the 14 aid granted Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) among 157 applications submitted;
aid has an endowment of 135,000 euros for three years, renewable for another two more through co-financing of the University of Murcia.
"This is a bet that the governing team moved to the Governing Council of the University and was accepted by the importance they have at all levels progress in the fight against cancer and for the excellent work of the laboratory of Professor Rodriguez, it has achieved in competitive call one of the few national aid granted by the AECC "says Vice Chancellor for Research of the University of Murcia, Juan Antonio Garcia.
Source: Universidad de Murcia