Sporting and cultural sponsorships and actions of development cooperation are practices Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the companies that have suffered from the crisis.
This is one of the results reported in the book on the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility in companies in the region has published the CSR Chair at the University of Murcia (UMU).
The director of the Chair, Professor of this educational institution Longinus Marin, said during the presentation of the work, held today at the Rector of the University, that the crisis has led companies to focus their efforts on actions integration of workers and environmental practices.
The study, with a sample of 133 companies in the region of Murcia, shows a good level of implementation of CSR in this, in which about 60% of those states have or plan to systems Corporate Social Responsibility.
Customers, followed by the environment and the employees are stakeholders to the most sensitive companies surveyed are shown, ranking last suppliers and local community issues, although the report shows that increasing consideration is given the latter two in decision making.
As for the motivation to implement CSR actions, it is cited as the main cause, the good image and reputation they generate for businesses, as well as the need to comply with the law and improving competitiveness.
On the contrary, the lack of adequate information, money and training the main barriers faced by companies to implement CSR practices.
At the presentation spoke the Minister of Economic Development, Tourism and Employment, Juan Hernandez, who thanked the sponsors of the Chair to promote initiatives that improve the quality of life of citizens and contribute to making a more ethical Region and committed socially.
The book is sponsored by the Autonomous Community, Fuertes, Grupo Disfrimur Diagram Foundation, Foundation Cepaim, Aguas de Murcia, Mediterranean Agro Group Orenes, Hero, Cajamurcia Foundation and City of Molina de Segura.
To cap the event, the rector of the University of Murcia, José Orihuela, has said that the challenge of this by the Corporate Social Responsibility is strong and important and has referred to some studies and allude to the RSC as the fourth mission of universities.
Source: Universidad de Murcia