The town meetings can be downloaded at any time from the website of the City.
Jose Guillen: "We firmly believe in the value of public service from political transparency and participation, the two pillars on which we articulate our daily work"
The Municipal Council has unanimously approved this morning that the City adhere to the Code of Good Governance of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, which includes the principles of transparency and public ethics together with measures to improve the management and quality of local democracy .
Also enhances public values, standards of conduct and ethical behavior of public offices and local officers.
"From this new Corporation believes strongly in the value of politics as public service and, therefore, consider it a priority to promote an ethical attitude among representatives of institutions," said Councilman Modernization, Urban Quality and Participation, Jose Guillen.
Once this code is incorporated into the legal system of the City Council, the strategy for evaluation, development and monitoring will be determined.
One of the first measures to be put in place to facilitate access to Murcia electronically of municipal plenary sessions.
Thus, besides being able to see streaming from the website, you can download on demand at any time
The Code of Good Local Government, which was adapted to the current regulatory framework and the demands of citizenship in 2015, insists the commitments that public representatives must assume, deepening the ethical dimension should govern governance.
It also establishes lines of action regarding the entry into the field of local administration of social technologies and digital networks.
In this sense, Jose Guillen said that "the Department I lead, Participation, is a clear evidence of our vocation as a government at the service of Murcia," adding that "transparency and the new involvement 2.0 are the two pillars on which we articulate our daily work"
Thus, the new code is structured around six program areas such as the principles of local governance, standards of conduct, ethical commitments to conflicts of interest and incompatibilities regime, relations between elected officials and public employees and measures to enhance participatory democracy and framework for citizen participation 2.0.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia