The City Council has requested a report to the Legal Council, the highest advisory body in matters of government and administration, to decide what legal procedure is appropriate to follow the situation created in Nonduermas Municipal Board, where members of PSOE and presented C's a motion of censure against the president of this body of local participation, elected by the House last November.
This is an unprecedented event so far as it had never occurred in more than 20 years of operation of these decentralized bodies of participation.
For this reason, the mayor went first to the general services to indicate how to proceed, since this hamlet has a president who was elected by a majority of the members in a legally constituted Municipal Board.
"The rush is not good if we take the wrong thing to do," said Rebeca Perez, spokesman of the government team, who also pointed out that there is no deadline for adopting an agreement.
"We are working to do the right thing, institutionally and legally correct solutions and the representation and participation of all residents in proportion to the votes obtained in the district.
Mr. Ayuso is more concerned with holding office and hand armchairs to ensure that things are done well, "he added.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia