From March 2 to 6 of the same month, the Catholic University of Murcia held the International Congress Laudato Si 'integral ecology and environment, in honor of Pope Francisco.
Among the different topics to be discussed at this event of international significance highlights the lecture to be given Professor Stefano Zamagni, Doctor of Political Economy at the University of Bologna and Adjunct Professor of International Economics at the Johns Hopkins University (USA).
The conference entitled "Social Responsibility and Social Economy 'will be held on Saturday March 5 at 11:30 am on the campus of St. Jerome.
Professor Zamagni analyze different aspects of responsibility and social economy as the factor of local development, entrepreneurship and leadership, strategic direction of the economy companies or government organization and social responsibility.
During the congress related activities are financially and two panel discussions on 'politics, economy and nature' will also be held, and 'Economy, Business and Environment'.
Source: UCAM