Councillor for Traffic and Public Safety, Lola Sanchez, participated this afternoon in the Conference mediation and peace culture, organized by the Federation of Neighborhood Associations in which intervened to discuss the 'The role of mediation by the Local Police. "
The council has explained that the Police Mediation is a tool that agents offer citizens for resolving conflicts that otherwise often end up in the courts, or in more serious personality clashes.
Thus involved they offer them be the ones to decide the solution, freely, for peaceful coexistence.
Service Relations with the Citizen channeled citizen demands on the local police, proposing effective mechanisms to solve neighborhood problems.
These claims are received through the mobile citizen services offices OAC installed in places of maximum influx of public phone 968 35 87 87 and email
Agents involved through groups and proximity policing Barrios, Police Community Residents, Police Tutor and Secure Trade Campaign.
Sanchez has listed the benefits of police mediation process is voluntary, flexible, fast and simple, completely free and confidential.
The program of community policing have been treated in 2016, 98 phone calls Police Community to inquire about issues affecting their community, require the contact to police and, in other cases, to demand services require police intervention.
Local police have solved 69 problems related lawsuits neighbors through police mediation.
Schools are another avenue for gathering information and incidents, as parents, teachers or students themselves brought to the attention of agents matters that concern them and in particular those that can mediate.
Each school is assigned a Tutor Local Police, which maintains weekly contact with the Director of the Centre or, where appropriate, with the Director of Studies to meet any new issues that may have arisen and the progress or resolution those already treated.
During this school year they have remained since September about 2,502 contacts (1,276 and 1,226 in Murcia in Pedanías)
In order to maintain a direct relationship between traders and the local police to prevent crimes and to provide a rapid response and resolution of various types of incidents have been carried out during 2015, 23,072 visits to businesses, of which 11,747 are they have developed in the city and 11,325 in villages
432 traders have raised issues about different problems;
some of the most significant are: conflict mediation, thefts, robberies, deficiencies in the vicinity, vandalism and fraud.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia