Students and graduates of the Catholic University of Murcia UCAM will work during the next four weeks, together with experts in employability and entrepreneurship in the region, to build a strategy that allows them to take control of their future careers.
The initiative 'Travel Talent' newly developed Murcia consultant 'The Age of the Brave' and driven from the SOIL Service Orientation and Employment Institution, offers students and graduates the tools and techniques necessary to help them build your own professional future, turning their skills and interests in job opportunities, visualizing your dream job, and thereby determining an action plan to achieve your goal.
Carlos Caballero, responsible for the methodology, coach, and expert on employability, is responsible for advising the audience in the process.
"The objective of this program is to help students and graduates to identify their goals and career objectives, and planning the job search process."
For his part, Javier Zafra, head of guidance and employment of the Catholic institution ensures that the program methodology based on educational training and motivation, "helps to detect the talents of the participants, putting them in value, and discovering aspects that may be key when facing a future labor incorporation. "
During this academic year, a total of 100 students of the University will participate in this program, thanks to the collaboration agreement with the UCAM keeps Fundación Banco Sabadell, since last June.
In addition to the strategic plans of employment of each participant, with the data collected presents a 'Employability Observatory' which will reveal the concerns, interests and preferences of the university community for future actions.
Source: UCAM