The IBAFF Festival organized in its seventh year, a Seminar of initiation into film criticism to be held from 29 February to 4 March 2016, in the Puertas de Castilla Center.
The course has the academic direction of Cayman Notebooks Film, and with the participation of Carlos F. Heredero, Javier H. Estrada, Jordi Costa and Roberto Cueto and, among other things, the history of film criticism is treated, the practice of criticism in daily journalism and critical reading of the language of cinema.
The course duration is 20 hours and tuition price is 70 euros.
Students will receive an annual free subscription to Cayman Cuadernos de Cine, a DVD movie and a diploma.
The seminar aims to provide an introduction to the theory, history and practice of film criticism.
The various materials conducive to reflection on the meaning of the images, provide basics for the interpretation of film text, meet the criteria for analysis of the film, review the main theories and critical trends, understand the different models and professional spaces for the exercise of criticism, as well as providing career guidance to students.
Registration can be done by sending an email to
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia