Portal de Murcia


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detail of Murcia


The visitor centers are consolidated municipal utilities with more than 50,000 people a year (05/07/2010)

Visitor centers of the City of Murcia, La Muralla de Santa Eulalia, San Antonio Light and the Poor, was consolidated with the assistance of more than 50,000 people annually.

The Councillor of Tourism, Maria Isabel Valcarcel, visited these municipal facilities with the Director General of Fine Arts and Cultural Heritage, Enrique Ujaldón.

Ujaldón Valcárcel has shown all the potential visitor centers and various exhibitions on offer in each of them.

In the Visitor Center Wall of Santa Eulalia have seen the history of the walled from Murcia was founded in the ninth century until its decline in the late fifteenth century.

The Visitors Center in San Antonio the Poor is an eighteenth-century chapel, which is dedicated to the life of hermits.

In the Visitors Center of Light have known the life of the inhabitants of the Valley, have toured the Iberian Sanctuary of Light and exhibition on the history of mountaineering Murcia.

They have also visited the site of the Visitors Center of San Cayetano, in Monteagudo.

This interpretive center will be completed later this year and will open its doors in 2011.

All these works have been funded by the Consortium Murcia, Crossroads, which is part of the city of Murcia and Autonomous Region and managed by the Department of Tourism.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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