The week of 12 to 16 July Abarán course will host the International University of the Sea "Women in rural areas."
The activity is supervised by professors from the University of Murcia Francisco Carreño Riquelme Sandoval and José Prudencio Perea, and tries to explain the situation of women in rural areas of the Region of Murcia, exploring the possibilities of equality policies and analyzing methods of intervention in this area.
The course is aimed at college students, entrepreneurs and technical employment and local development.
The inaugural conference will focus on action for equality in rural employment, and will be headed by María Cruz Fernández Durántenz, Directorate General for Equal Employment, Ministry of Equality.
During the week will address issues and institutions in rural development, rural entrepreneurs, or women's associations in rural areas.
The course has a duration of thirty hours, and who enroll in it shall be entitled to three free credits.
Source: UMU