| Social agents and representatives of El Infante, San P�o X, Santiago el Mayor, Pati o, Barriomar, El Carmen, El Progreso, Nonduermas and Los Dolores will analyze issues of interest and improvement for the neighborhoods and districts of the South | The South Connection project begins the second phase of the participatory process with the celebration of a new edition of the Neighborhood Forum, which will take place telematically over two days, the days , January 21 and 27. On this occasion, social and neighborhood agents from El Infante, San P�o X, Santiago el Mayor, Pati o, Barriomar, El Carmen, El Progreso, Nonduermas and Los Dolores will be in charge of analyzing the issues Ethics of interest for the development and improvement of services in the neighborhoods and districts of the south. The councilors for Urban Agenda and Open Government, Mercedes Bernab�, and Sustainable Mobility and Youth, Rebeca P�rez, presented the two sessions this morning, which will focus on topics of interest related to education.
n, health, tourism, expropriations, as well as the role of neighborhood associations. We are convinced that diverse opinions enrich the public debate and, therefore, we will continue to give a voice to the neighbors.
These types of activities give us the opportunity to deepen and learn about the opportunities and difficulties of these areas in the hands of people who are closely linked to economic, social and cultural activity and, at the same time, address the advantages that Conexi�n Sur will suppose for the development of these neighborhoods ??, highlighted Mercedes Bernab�. For her part, Rebeca P�rez has highlighted the need for the involvement of neighbors in improving neighborhoods, because they are the true protagonists of completely transforming their environment, which makes me Is it an urban project, Conexi�n Sur is a human project ??. Telematic and open to all the public The Neighborhood Forum will take place in two telematic sessions, the next 21 and 27 January, at 7:00 p.m., with open access to the public from the YouTube channel of the Murcia City Council. Journalists Encarna Talavera and Luis Alc�zar will be in charge of moderating each of the sessions.
Education, health, tourism, � expropriation and the role played by neighborhood associations for the development of neighborhoods will be the highlighted themes of the next two days. The program is as follows: Thursday, January 21: Jos� Mart�nez Nicol�s, Pathological Anatomy technician at the University of Murcia. Luis Mesa del Castillo, director of the Mesa del Castillo Hospital. David Ruiz Gonz�lez, president of the Ronda Sur Neighbors Association. Susana L�pez Fuentes, affected by the temporary expropriation. Arlyn Medina V�zquez, director of the Santa Mar�a del Carmen school. Alberto Torrecillas S�nchez, manager of Pacohe Hotels and Pacoche Restaurant. Wednesday, January 27: Andr�s Alcaraz Lis�n, President of the Murcia Association of Highly Sensitive People. Mar�a Dolores Pinar P�rez, director of the Jos� Moreno school. Ana Mar�a Hern�ndez Castillo, president of the Cofrad�a del Sant�simo Cristo de la Caridad. Jos� Vives Pe alver, president of the Barriomar Neighborhood Association. Mar�a Cruz Moreno Franco, president of the Pe a Huertana El Mortero. Francisco Carre o Sandoval, retired professor of Applied Economics at the University of Murcia. Mar�a Encarnaci�n Almceija, director of the IES Floridablanca. Conclusions of the first Neighborhood Forum Sports spaces, new cultural infrastructures that promote social and commercial activity, better accessibility between areas, mobility plans and the preservation of the traditions and customs of the neighborhoods were, among others, some of the contributions of the first Neighborhood Forum held before the Christmas period. The mayor of Urban Agenda and Open Government assures that "all contributions will be valued and studied to see how technicians and professionals can integrate them into the final project." � Participatory process Murcia Conexi�n Sur The Murcia Conexi�n Sur project will mean the return to Murcians of an urban area of ??more than 200,000 m2, where green spaces and pedestrian areas will be the main protagonists. Para ello, el Ayuntamiento se encuentra inmerso en un proceso participativo que permitir� dar voz a los vecinos de los barrios y pedan�as de El Carmen, San P�o X, Barriomar, Santiago el Mayor, El Progreso, Infante Juan Manuel, Patio, Nonduermas y Los Dolores. Entre las acciones destacan las urnas colocadas en los establecimientos y comercios de los distintos barrios y pedan�as, las reuniones individuales con los m�s de 150 colectivos vecinales y profesionales y los paneles y foros de expertos y sociales. Tras la presentaci�n de las primeras aportaciones al Consejo Social de la Ciudad, Conexi�n Sur inicia la segunda fase del proceso participativo con la celebraci�n de un nuevo Foro de Barrios.
Las reuniones vecinales contin�an y, seguidamente, tendr�n lugar las �goras virtuales y actuaciones en colegios e institutos de la zona. Toda la informaci�n sobre el proceso participativo, horarios y fechas de las actuaciones se encuentra en el portal web murciaconexionsur.es. Puntos estrat�gicos de Conexi�n Sur El proyecto Conexi�n Sur, m�s all� de la renovaci�n urbana de la superficie liberada de las v�as del tren, supondr� la transformaci�n de los siguientes puntos estrat�gicos: el desarrollo del Parque Metropolitano del Oeste, el desarrollo urbano al norte y al sur de la carretera de Alcantarilla, que supondr� la creaci�n de nuevos equipamientos en Barriomar, as� como la renovaci�n de los accesos a Murcia por la carretera de Alcantarilla. Tambi�n se incluye la nueva variante de Barriomar que conectar� la Autov�a A-30, la carretera de Alcantarilla y Ronda Sur, la conexi�n entre Murcia R�o, el Cuartel de Artiller�a y la nueva estaci�n intermodal, la creaci�n de nuevas infraestructuras y dotaciones en Santiago el Mayor, la renovaci�n urbana entre Patio y Barrio del Progreso, los proyectos ADN Urbano para la renovaci�n a escala de barrio y por �ltimo el Plan Especial de El Carmen, en el que se diferencia entre la Zona perirubana entre Santiago el Mayor y el puente de Tiosa y desde la autov�a hasta Nonduermas y la Zona urbana entre Santiago el Mayor y la Ronda Oeste. En definitiva, la concejal Rebeca P�rez recuerda que “la conjugaci�n de esta serie de actuaciones permitir� la aparici�n ordenada de nuevos n�cleos de actividad econ�mica, cultural y social y convertir�n a las pedan�as y barrios del sur de Murcia en referentes urbanos”.
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Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia