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[The City Council prepares the trees for the children's schools in the municipality, betting on natural environments for the little ones (12/01/2021)

| In total, more than a hundred performances will be carried out in the copies of the children's schools in Beniaj n, Algezares, La Alberca, El Palmar, Sangonera La Verde, Santiago El Mayor and La Paz | The councilor for Urban Development and Modernization of the Administration, José Guillén, and the councilor for Education and Nursery Schools, Belén López have supervised the conditioning and fine-tuning of the trees in the nursery schools in the municipality of Murcia. In total, more than a hundred performances will be carried out in the copies of the infant schools of Beniaján, Algezares, La Alberca, El Palmar, Sangonera La Verde, Santiago El Mayor and La Paz. Some jobs in which different trees such as Tipuanas, Cipreses and Morus Alba are pruned by the concessionaire company STV / Actúa on an annual basis, although the reviews are carried out periodically. "With this action we intend to increase safety in nursery schools, supervising each tree periodically and acting to avoid risks and make it easier for the specimens to sprout again with force, guaranteeing their correct growth.

Natural environments are essential for children to be able to grow in a healthy way, learn to care for and respect the environment and also to enjoy the benefits of trees such as obtaining more shady areas and attracting biodiversity "has highlighted José Guillén, who this morning visited the Beniaján nursery school, together with councilor Belén López. These works, which began this January after the pruning of mulberry trees in the municipality had been completed, are expected to conclude in the middle of next February, always following a scheduled calendar of actions. "Nursery schools are spaces that welcome dozens of children every day and have to be in perfect condition, complying with all security guarantees and also having all the resources and means necessary for their conditioning.

This review of the trees allows both teachers and children can carry out numerous activities in the open-air spaces of the centers at any time of the year "has concluded the mayor Belén López.

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Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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