| The initiative, with the slogan 'This year the Three Wise Men need you, they are counting on you' seeks to get enough blood donations for the next days | The Regional Hemodonation Center and the Murcia City Council are launching a campaign for the Three Kings festival to raise awareness among the population about the need to donate blood.
With the pandemic, the decline in blood donation, together with the high demand for blood components in hospitals, means that the reserves are at a minimum, so the solidarity of the Murcians.
The current hemothermic alarm situation causes the need for blood donations from all groups to supply blood components to hospitals in the Region.
The initiative 'This year the Three Wise Men need you, they count on you' will take place on Tuesday, January 4, in the Plenary Hall of the Murcia City Council, from 9:30 a.m.
to 2:00 p.m.
and from 4:00 p.m.
30 to 21:00 hours.
So far in 2020, 46,350 donations have been obtained, compared to 48,000 in 2019 on the same dates.
Also, so far, 5,959 people have become new donors in 2020, up from 6,860 last year.
This decrease and the high hospital demand mean that the Regional Hemodonation Center cannot maintain an optimal level of reserves.
For this reason, it is necessary to continue promoting blood donations in order to maintain reserves and guarantee the supply of blood components.
The donation is essential to be able to carry out hospital activity normally, and more so, if possible, in the delicate situation of a pandemic.
The situation of the mobile units and the schedules can be consulted on the web www.murciasalud.es/crh and on social networks, where donation needs and places where to do it are informed every day.
The purpose is to request the collaboration of the population to guarantee the supply of blood components to the hospitals of the Region, especially platelets, since their expiration is only five days.
The requirements to donate blood are fulfilled by most of the population, since it is only necessary to be between 18 and 65 years old, weigh more than 50 kilos and be in good health.
Information for blood donors From the Hemodonation Center they point out that if a citizen receives an SMS, and decides to go to donate blood, they must take into account some recommendations, in addition to the usual minimum requirements mentioned (be between 18 and 65 years old, weigh more than 50 kilos and be in good health, do not come on an empty stomach and bring ID or donor card).
So it is recommended not to go if: It has had more than 37.5 degrees of temperature in the last 15 days.
You have had flu-like symptoms, unusual dry cough, shortness of breath.
Is in the care of or in continuous contact with sick or possible patients with covid -19.
The Hemodonation Center remembers that blood donation is a safe act, as well as the environment where it is carried out.
In this regard, at the extraction site, they will provide hygienic and safety measures such as hand washing, hydroalcoholic solution at each step of the donation, gloves if requested and single-use paper.
on the stretchers.
The blood donation will be analyzed according to the tests required by the European and Spanish authorities, and as there is no evidence of transmission of the coronavirus by blood transfusion, the covid-19 test is not performed .
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Source: CARM