| Said agreements are signed at the request of the municipal employment service to improve the employability and quality of life of unemployed people who are in a situation of vulnerability | The Councilor for Employment, Economic Promotion and Tourism, Pedro Garc a Res, has signed today the six agreements with members of ASPAYM, FAMDIF / COCEMFE, Abraham Project, Red Cross, Action Against Hunger and Foundation n Cepaim to improve the employability, qualification and quality of life of the most vulnerable groups in the municipality. ASPAYM The agreement with ASPAYM, which is signed for an amount of 6,000 euros, aims to inform, train and guide project participants to improve their professional qualifications and improve their training through courses, conferences, conferences, seminars o colloquia that result in the employability of the paraplegic and severely disabled group to achieve their personal autonomy and that they can achieve inclusion in the labor market, covering their needs and demands in activities of daily life, training , cultural, sports, occupational and coexistence. FAMDIF / COCEMFE For its part, the purpose of the agreement signed with FAMDIF / COCEMFE, worth 6,000 euros, is aimed at solving situations of social exclusion in which disabled people frequently live, studying the causes, obtaining n of material and human resources that can reduce them and, ultimately, allow them to have autonomy in the shortest possible time, according to the principles of accessibility, integration and standardization. Abraham Project Regarding the agreement with the Abraham Project, the amount of which amounts to a total of 7,900 euros, its purpose is to carry out a series of training and employment actions for people at risk and / or social exclusion, at Through the development of the "Atelier El Costurerico job placement project". Red Cross Among the specific objectives pursued by the agreement with the Red Cross, signed for an amount of 20,546 euros, it is worth highlighting achieving greater activation of unemployed people for their participation in the labor market, addressing the personal itinerary of insertion In the labor market with greater security, confidence and emotional stability, in addition to serving as guidance, through adapted tools, and reducing the digital divide. Action Against Hunger For its part, the agreement signed with the Fundaci n Acci n contra el Hambre, for an amount of 35,968 euros, has as specific objectives the development of the projects Vives Employ, School of Employment and Vives Emprende with the aim of improve professional skills and personal skills most demanded by companies and approach entrepreneurship as an option to access the labor market, through the strengthening of entrepreneurial and technical skills. Cepaim Foundation The last of the agreements, with the Cepaim Foundation, for an amount of 15,000 euros, has among its specific objectives to inform, advise, support and motivate the participants towards the search for employment in sectors emerging countries, through the development of the "Reinvent yourself and get a job" program.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia