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A safe-conduct from the City Council will allow the Three Wise Men to reach the homes of the children of Murcia (28/11/2020)

| The mayor received a letter a few days ago from Isabel, a Murcian girl, in which he asked if the Three Wise Men could travel to Murcia due to the pandemic | The mayor of Murcia, José Ballesta, received a letter a few days ago from a Murcian girl, Isabel.

In it, the little girl asked if the Magi will be able to arrive this year at the homes of the children of Murcia, due to the coronavirus.

'We are in a pandemic, and they say they may confine us, but they cannot confine the Magi.

How would they bring the gifts? And how do they give them to us, if they can't get out? 'Isabel wonders.For this reason, the Consistory has prepared "a special safe-conduct for Their Majesties the Three Wise Men, a permit that is only used in exceptional situations, an authorization that we have granted to Their Majesties the Magi of the East", explains the Mayor of Murcia."This safe conduct allows Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar, their pages and the Royal Court, to cross all borders, to cross all countries with their camels from the distant lands of the East so that on the night of January 5, 2021 they can carry their gifts to all the boys and girls of Murcia as a reward for their exemplary behavior during the year 2020 ”, adds the Murcian councilor.It should be remembered that the Three Wise Men have also obtained a special permission from the European Union to be able to move without restrictions, but, for more peace of mind, the Murcia City Council will issue this safe-conduct.In addition, tomorrow a video with the history of this letter and the new safe-conduct will be published on institutional social networks.The 'real authorization', available on the City Council page and in the Tu Murcia application"We will send the safe conduct to Their Majesties the Kings, but those girls and boys who want to have it in their homes to put it at the door on the 5th at night, for the Magi to see, they can do so, because We will provide it from the Murcia City Council ”, says José Ballesta.Specifically, families who wish to obtain the document can fill it in and download it on the new website that the City Council will set up for this Christmas, which will be available in mid-December, and in the Tu Murcia application, by accessing the link ' Your Christmas.

' Likewise, children, when they send their letter to the Three Kings through this application, will automatically receive the safe-conduct.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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