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The City Council rewards the innovation and creativity of 22 Murcian initiatives in the XXVIII Business Projects Contest (25/11/2020)

The conference is being held throughout the day and brings together entrepreneurs and businessmen who carry out their activity in the municipality of Murcia, identifying and publicizing Murcian talent and the innovative services that are being developed in Murcia.The Mayor of Murcia, José Ballesta, together with the Councilor for Employment, Economic Promotion and Tourism, Pedro García Rex, this morning inaugurated the XXVIII Business Projects Contest, a day that is being held throughout the day online, to make Murcian talent known to entrepreneurs and businessmen from all over Spain, as well as the innovative products and projects that are being developed in Murcia.“Telematically due to the situation we are experiencing, but with the enthusiasm and admiration of all of you as always, today we recognize your ideas and projects, your strength and work.

We reward your ingenuity, creativity, imagination, dreams, because Murcia, now more than ever, needs your example, encouragement, leadership and pioneering spirit ”, highlighted José Ballesta, who connected from the Noble Hall of the Moneo building.For his part, the mayor of Employment, Economic Promotion and Tourism, Pedro García Rex, pointed out that "the objective of this contest is to continue helping Murcian entrepreneurs in the search for opportunities and business ideas that favor the creation of companies and dynamize local economic activity and employment in the municipality ".Virtual session throughout the dayThe day, which will run until 5:30 p.m., when the closing will take place, is being broadcast live, via streaming, from the YouTube channel of the Center for Municipal Initiatives of Murcia (CIM-M), in the following link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP7lKj8vcJlYlG-OSlJFZ6Q.31 projects and 2 'masterclasses'Likewise, throughout the day the 41 business projects that have been submitted to the contest are being announced.

Two 'masterclasses' will also be given, one by the actress Laura Miralles, under the title 'Communicate, transmit, convince'; and another by Aymar Celdrán, communication expert, founder and mentor of 'Adelayn', under the title 'The reason why nobody invests in you'.The jury is made up of the Councilor for Employment, Economic Promotion and Tourism, Pedro García Rex, a representative from each municipal group and from the College of Economists RM, AMUSAL, UCOMUR, AJE Región de Murcia, Comisiones Obreras, UGT, CROEM, OMEP, a technician from the Department of Employment, Economic Promotion and Tourism and INFO, as well as by Esther Pina, member of the first winning project of the XXVII Business Projects Contest, Secret Sound, of the previous edition.

The secretary is an Employment and Local Development Agent of the Murcia City Council.This afternoon, awards ceremony and 16 second prizeAt 5:00 p.m., the award ceremony will take place to the winners of the contest.

Specifically, the first three winners have been:-The music and performing arts company BelterSouls, under the direction of the Murcian musician Pablo de Torres.

Made up of a cast of versatile singers also trained in other musical disciplines and dramatic art studies, BelterSouls has managed to generate in its productions a stamp of its own identity, based on the power and energy of the human voice and the originality of its arrangements.

based on vocal harmony and the characteristic color of soul and gospel.-The IQX Conrado Planning company, which places Murcia on the world map of surgical interventions, due to the use of novel methodology such as augmented reality.

This company of commercialization and distribution of surgical prostheses provides surgeons with the necessary tools so that their interventions are carried out with the maximum precision, thanks, in part, to the use of both proprietary software and hardware and the use of technologies of 3D printing, with which the surgical act is carried out according to plan.-The company NautreBiotechnology, focused on the research, development and commercialization of biofertilizers for agriculture.Likewise, the Special Awards, which provide the opportunity to participate in the Business Mentoring program that will be developed by the Association of Young Entrepreneurs of the Region of Murcia (AJE) during 2021, have been awarded to:-Ana Lozano, head of the firm 'Micoco', a textile production and sales project, with African fabrics as a hallmark, specifically, she has received the Social Enterprise award.-The 'La Innoteca' project, in charge of the Ipitect company, which was created with the aim of promoting innovation and creativity through competitions, spreading culture and knowledge.

He has received the 'Cultural and Creative Companies' award.-The 'Yavino' initiative, the first online wine club, which has been awarded the 'Young Company' award.The City Council has also awarded 16 second prizes, the winners of which will be recognized this afternoon, along with the rest of the winners.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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