| The 200-square-meter space is integrated into the current grass meadow in the green area of ??La Molinera.
This large outdoor space is open to all residents of the South Connection neighborhoods | The Councilor for Sustainable Mobility and Youth, Rebeca Pérez and the Councilor for Urban Development and Modernization of the Administration, José Guillén, together with neighborhood groups in the area, have visited the new sheltered children's play area in Barriomar, in the green area of the Molinera.
This large outdoor space is open to all residents of the South Connection neighborhoods.This area, measuring 200 square meters, is integrated into the current grass meadow at the entrance to Barriomar and will be made of natural materials such as wood, in order to achieve greater environmental integration."The park's area of ??influence includes a large population of young families with children, so it is a project with high social profitability.
In addition to creating a new outdoor space that can be enjoyed throughout the year by Murcian residents.
, it also makes the entrance to Barriomar more accessible and connected ", José Guillén highlighted.It has a sandpit, various games of skill or climbing, as well as two micro-perforated structures for awnings, framed in the Shadow Plan.An avant-garde children's play area has also been located, which has a large giant butterfly and various games for the little ones.Barriomar will improve its new green areas with the urbanization of the land where 'La Molinera' was locatedThe new residential will represent an important commitment to the regeneration and potential of the neighborhood, providing it with more green areas and making it a safe, pleasant and accessible place.Barriomar will improve its green spaces and will have new children's areas with the implementation of the definitive urbanization of the environment, specifically where the 'La Molinera' land was located, between the neighborhood and the access to the highway from the Alcantarilla road.With the start-up of the urbanization, the construction of 222 homes is expected.
The actions have begun with the construction of two access roads, which will allow a reorganization of this important space that will link Barriomar with the center and the future West Park of the city, within the future expansions of the Murcia Río project.The new residential will be carried out in three phases and will represent an important commitment to the regeneration and potential of the neighborhood, providing it with more green areas and making it a safe, pleasant and accessible place.These improvements that are being undertaken in Barriomar and the work carried out in the South Connection project are part of the Government Team's philosophy of betting on the territorial structuring of the municipality.Garden of the AzaleasBarriomar families can now enjoy the renovated Jardin de Las Azaleas with new playgrounds, perimeter fencing and with the improvement of the entire rubber pavement of the park that has been completely covered.In this 200-square-meter space, the existing children's games have been replaced, the perimeter fence, which has become metallic, and a micro-perforated awning has also been installed so that this space can be used by the little ones at any time of the day, any day of the year."The objective is to create shaded spaces that make them more comfortable, protecting neighbors from the inclement sun, in neighborhoods and districts, thus facilitating family reunions, citizen participation and socio-cultural meetings, in addition to increasing the number of effective hours of use by Murcian families "has highlighted José Guillén.The Shadow Plan is also part of this action, with which it is intended to install more than 160 new canopies and shading systems, 50 of them are already a reality, distributed in the parks of Murcia and its districts so that families can enjoy these new spaces at any time of the year.Remodeling of the garden of the municipal center of BarriomarIn addition, to these two areas, there is also the remodeling of the garden located next to the Barriomar municipal center, on the edge of the road.This 150 m2 children's area will have new elements of children's games, benches, wooden fences, some thirty trees, shrub species and new rubber to guarantee the safety of the little ones.Other actions of the Department of Urban Development in BarriomarRegarding public lighting, more than 50 LED luminaires have been changed on Avenida Ciudad de Almería.
Improvements have also been made in José Conesa Cano street, Ben Sabin street, church square, Gilandario street, Carrileras street, Torre de Los Ibáñez lane, Antonejos lane, Partidores, Cantabellas and Palmera, adding up to a total of 53.These works are being carried out within the framework of the Murcia Smart City and Murcia Aire Limpio strategy that advocates in this case to favor the improvement of the environment, visibility and safety of the area and contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of the neighbors Township.In addition to the daily disinfection and maintenance work carried out by the Parks and Gardens Service, more than 300 trees and shrubs and almost a thousand hydras have been planted in the median of Avenida Ciudad de Almería.
More than twenty banks have also been placed. Barriomar, territory of South ConnectionThe South Connection project will mean the return to Murcians of an urban area of ??more than 200,000 m2, where green spaces and pedestrian areas will be the main protagonists.En el diseño de las acciones a desarrollar, tendrán voz los más de 70.000 vecinos que viven en las 9 pedanías y barrios donde se van a desarrollar estas actuaciones, como son: Los Dolores, El Infante, el barrio del Carmen, Santiago el Mayor, el barrio del Progreso, San Pío X, Nonduermas, Patiño y Barriomar.En la actualidad, está teniendo lugar el proceso participativo del proyecto.
Técnicos municipales están manteniendo reuniones de trabajo con más de 150 colectivos representativos de la zona sur del municipio con el objetivo de recabar ideas y propuestas que posteriormente serán evaluadas por parte de los técnicos competentes.De forma paralela, la colocación de más de 300 urnas de participación por los comercios y establecimientos de las pedanías y barrios del sur está permitiendo que se recaben semanalmente las aportaciones que trasladen directamente los ciudadanos cumplimentando formularios. Otras actuaciones en BarriomarEl Ayuntamiento ha iniciado en Barriomar el Plan de Mejora de la Accesibilidad de los barrios de Conexión Sur, donde renovará las aceras y conexiones peatonales.
Se trata de una demanda de los vecinos, enmarcada además en el Plan Extraordinario de Inversiones y Pedanías.Además, los jóvenes de la zona contarán con un nuevo espacio para el desarrollo de actividades artísticas, creativas y de formación, así como de intercambio de conocimientos y experiencias.
Se trata de Espacio XXI, una nueva infraestructura que estará ubicado en el Pabellón 1 del Cuartel de Artillería y será referente en el proyecto Conexión Sur como lugar de intercambio para jóvenes."Murcia Conexión Sur gira en torno a las personas y la creación de este nuevo espacio abierto e integrador, desde el que se proyectará el desarrollo personal y profesional de los jóvenes, será una de las actuaciones de mayor trascendencia dentro de este gran proyecto" ha concluido Rebeca Pérez.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia