| E and that minors can change municipality to continue their training | Following the regulations established in other communities, where it is allowed, Podemos will ask in the November ordinary plenary session that the Murcia City Council re-establish the permission for non-federated outdoor sports.
"We know that, complying with the restrictions, it is a low-risk practice, and its benefits are substantial as it contributes in a very beneficial way to the health of Murcians and Murcians," said Ginés Ruiz Maciá, spokesperson for Podemos in the Murcian consistory.
The purple formation will also ask that the federated minors can change the municipality to attend their training.The restrictions caused by the pandemic are having serious consequences for children.
In addition to the consequences of confinement, the lack of extracurricular activities, the instability of blendedness and the lack of normality in general, we must add the lack of opportunities to practice sports.
At present, due to the confinement by municipalities decreed throughout the Region of Murcia, minors who trained in municipalities other than their own cannot attend training because they lack permission for this purpose.
In the same way, the practice of non-federated sports in municipal outdoor facilities has also been prohibited.For all these reasons, Podemos considers "that the health and well-being of minors must prevail, always keeping all the necessary security to avoid contagion, and we will ask the Plenary to reestablish outdoor sports practice and that federated minors can go to their training sessions, even if it requires them to change towns.
"For the spokesman of the purple formation, Ginés Ruiz Maciá, it is important "to correct this inequality, since both are allowed in neighboring communities and have not been a source of contagion or greater risk to health.
This becomes more important considering that the perimeter closure of the municipalities has been extended until December and that the advance of the pandemic indicates that there are months of restrictions left before all this ends.
"We must seek, for children, a way to make life as normal as possible, without, of course, posing a risk to their health.
That is why we ask that these issues be addressed, as long as they count.
with the approval of Health and that a 'COVID manager' is included in the facilities to ensure compliance with the rules ".
Source: Podemos Murcia