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The staff of the seven Infant Schools of the municipality undergoes the coronavirus detection tests for the second time (18/11/2020)

| The device is carried out throughout the morning in a scheduled manner in each of the centers to avoid the displacement of officials and do not hinder educational activity | The City Council, through the Occupational Health and Prevention, Children's Schools and Health services, has once again carried out the coronavirus detection tests on the nearly 90 officials who work in the seven Children's Schools in the municipality, including teachers, educators, workers and cooks.The staff undergoes antigen tests as a preventive measure and in order to guarantee the safety of the little ones.

In September, the first rapid tests were carried out to mark the start of the course, the results of which were all negative.

 On this occasion, the health workers in charge of carrying out the tests have traveled to each of the centers in order to avoid travel and not hinder educational activity.

At the same time, officials have had to fill out a health questionnaire.The councilors of Education and Infant Schools, Belén López, Pedanías y Barrios, Marco Antonio Fernández, and Sports and Health, Felipe Coello, have visited the 'La Ermita' center in La Alberca to verify that the planning of the tests was being carried out according to what was planned and learn about the concerns of these workers.In this sense, Marco Antonio Fernández recalled that "the health of our teachers and staff is a priority at this time, so we make our resources available to make the return safer."Thus, the device has been carried out according to the following schedule: At 8 am, at the Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles Infant School, in Sangonera la Verde; at 9.00 am at 'San Roque', in El Palmar; at 9.30 am at 'El Lugarico', in El Palmar; at 10.15 am at 'La Ermita', in La Alberca; at 11:15 am at Nuestra Señora de la Fuensanta in Santiago el Mayor; at 12:15 at the Beniaján Infant School; at 1:00 p.m.

at 'Los Granados', in Beniaján; and at 1:45 pm in 'La Paz', in Murcia.For his part, the Councilor for Sports and Health, Felipe Coello, has appealed to responsibility, as he is still among us, so it is necessary that we continue to act with prudence and responsibility, attending to all security measures, both in public spaces and outdoors, like private ones ”.Covid-19 ProtocolThe Nursery School Service has a Contingency plan against Covid-19, in which a team in charge of all actions is determined, made up of the director of the center, coordinators and the pedagogical coordinator.Among the measures are, in addition, accessing the center through the patio in order to control the entry and exit flows, the temperature measurement when entering, the use of the dining room in shifts, as well as naps for small groups, among other.For its part, the mayor of Infant Schools has highlighted the important work that is carrying out all its service, "because they are acting with total responsibility, attending to all measures in a meticulous way and working for our children with the greater professionalism in this atypical course that we have had to live ”.Cases detected since the beginning of the courseThe Nursery School Service has registered seven positive cases so far this year in the centers of Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles, Sangonera la Verde, Beniaján, El Lugarico de El Palmar and La Ermita de La Alberca.

In all cases the focus of contagion has been outside the centers.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

UNE-EN ISO 9001:2000 - ER-0131/2006 Región de Murcia
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