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A vehicle catches fire after a traffic accident in Los Teatinos (Algezares) (14/11/2020)

| Emergency services are working on extinguishing the fire declared after a traffic accident in Los Teatinos in Algezares (Murcia) | The Emergency Coordination Center 1-1-2 Murcia Region received a call at 5:11 pm.

reporting the traffic accident that occurred in the Murcian district of Algezares in Los Teatinos at the junction of the road leading to the Sanctuary of Fuensanta and Cresta del Gallo.A car has fallen down an embankment in a curved area and has subsequently caught fire.They report several explosions and that the occupants of tourism have been able to leave tourism.To the place of the event they have moved:Local police unitsAn ambulance from the Urgencies and Health Emergencies Management 061 (a Mobile Emergency Unit).Three environmental agents.Firefighters of the Murcia City Council Fire Extinction and Rescue Consortium.

(2 vehicles of extinction, a heavy nurse and a heavy rural).Environmental agent reports that tourism has fallen on the boulevard and that it has caused a fire in a cypress.Healthcare workers attend on-site tourism occupants who do not need a medical transfer.The occupants of the tourism cared for are two young people, a 17-year-old woman and a 20-year-old man.

They have an anxiety crisisFirefighters work in the area.Images provided by environmental agents in the area.17: 56h.

Firefighters collecting material after fire fighting.Environmental agent waiting for towing service to remove the vehicle.

Source: 112RM

UNE-EN ISO 9001:2000 - ER-0131/2006 Región de Murcia
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