| The mayor of Murcia holds a meeting with the presidents of the 67 Municipal Boards to inform them about the battery of reactive and proactive measures adopted by the Town Hall | The mayor of Murcia, José Ballesta, this afternoon held an urgent telematic meeting with the presidents of the Municipal Boards, in which he reported on the reactive and proactive measures adopted by the City Council in the face of the perimeter confinement of the Region and the municipality of Murcia.“We are in a moment of absence of certainty, in which forecasts decline in a very few hours.
These are complicated and difficult times that we must face together, with courage and determination ”, indicated the mayor of Murcia, who called for responsibility and serenity, and encouraged the 67 presidents of the Municipal Boards to work together in a municipal device coordinated that covers the 900 square kilometers of extension of the municipality.The first item on the Agenda of the meeting, which was also attended by the Councilor for Sports and Health, Felipe Coello, the Mayor of Citizen Security and Economic Management, Eduardo Martínez-Oliva, the Councilor for Pedanías and Neighborhoods, Marco Antonio Fernández , and the head of the City Council Health Service, Eduardo González, was the analysis of the epidemiological situation of the municipality.In this regard, yesterday afternoon, José Ballesta signed the Decree declaring Level 1 of the Territorial Plan for Civil Protection of the Municipality of Murcia (PEMU), as well as Level 1 of the Local Action Plan for Increase of Epidemiological Risk in the Municipality of Murcia.
Specifically, the perimeter confinement that takes effect this midnight.Traffic entry and exit deviceNext, the application of municipal measures was analyzed before the decrees of state of alarm of the government of Spain and the orders of the government of the Autonomous Community.The mayor informed the pedestrians about the first battery of reactive and proactive municipal measures, among which the coordination between the Local Police and the State Security Forces and Bodies stands out, for the traffic entry and exit device of the city having Note that the main roads of the State cross through this municipality: the Mediterranean corridor (A-7) and from Madrid to Cartagena (A-30).
Therefore, control of the state highways as they pass through the municipality of Murcia is required.On the other hand, the City Council will carry out the control of the traffic intensity at the main entrances and exits of the city, from the Traffic Control Center, to analyze its evolution and carry out permanent monitoring.Teleworking and evolution of the pandemic by neighborhoodsAmong the proactive measures of an urgent nature adopted by the City Council, the tools to facilitate teleworking for municipal employees and the issuance of accreditations for those officials who reside outside our municipality stand out.
Another of the proactive measures is the analysis of wastewater to assess the incidence of the pandemic by neighborhoods and districts.In addition to this, the Covid19 Monitoring Commission will be convened urgently to analyze the present situation and specify future measures and actions that guarantee the safety and integrity of Murcians, the fight against the pandemic and the reduction of the social and economic effects of these restrictions.Likewise, the Consistory is going to deploy an immediate campaign to inform the residents of the municipality of Murcia of these measures and the limitations.Measures adopted by the Autonomous Community and which are applied in the municipality of MurciaSpecifically, the measures adopted by the Autonomous Community refer to:1.
Limitation of the entry and exit of people in the territorial scope of the Region of Murcia.
The entry and exit of persons from the territorial scope of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia is restricted, under the provisions of article 6.1 of Royal Decree 926/2020, of October 25, which declares the status of alarm to contain the spread of infections caused by SARS-CoV-2, except for appropriately justified movements, which occur for any of the following reasons:-Assistance to health centers, services and establishments.
Compliance with labor, professional, business, institutional or legal obligations.-Assistance to university, teaching and educational centers, including nursery schools.-Return to the place of habitual or family residence.-Assistance and care for the elderly, minors, dependents, people with disabilities or especially vulnerable people.-Displacement to financial and insurance entities or refueling stations in neighboring territories.-Required or urgent actions before public, judicial or notarial bodies.-Renewals of permits and official documentation, as well as other administrative procedures that cannot be postponed.-Realization of exams or official tests that cannot be postponed.-Because of force majeure or situation of need.-Any other activity of a similar nature, duly accredited.2.
Limitation of the entry and exit of people from the territorial scope of all the municipalities of the Region of Murcia.Se determina, adicionalmente, en virtud de lo dispuesto en el artículo 6.2 del Real Decreto 926/2020, de 25 de octubre, la restricción de la entrada y salida de personas respecto del ámbito territorial del municipio en el que tengan fijada su residencia habitual, sin perjuicio de la aplicación de las excepciones previstas en el artículo anterior.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia