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The City Council joins the European Day Against Trafficking in Human Beings to make visible and eradicate this social scourge (19/10/2020)

The councilor for Social Rights, Pilar Torres, participates in the 'Global Freedom Conference' organized by the international association A-21 and highlights that "what we are looking for is that the victims of this abuse stop being invisible because trafficking is a form of slavery that has to disappear "Murcia City Council has joined in the commemoration of the European Day Against Human Trafficking.

Within this framework, the Councilor for Social Rights and Family, Pilar Torres, has participated in the 'Global Freedom Conference' organized by the international association A-21.During her speech, the mayor stressed that "what we are looking for is that the victims of this abuse stop being invisible because trafficking is a form of slavery that has to disappear."Support from SEMAS, EMAVI and other municipal servicesBoth through the work network formed by the social services centers of the municipality of Murcia and through services such as Attention to Passers-by, Attention to Immigrants, the Mobile Emergency Service and Social Attention (SEMAS) and the Municipal Team Of Attention to Violence against Women (EMAVI), cases of people who suffer from trafficking situations are detected every year.

For its proper attention, the Government Team maintains fluid coordination with the State security forces and bodies.Municipal participation in this European day is also aligned with the content of the Second Plan for Equal Opportunities Between Women and Men of the Murcia City Council.

Specifically, it responds to the objective of "sensitizing and informing citizens about violence against trafficking in women and trafficking in persons for the purpose of sexual exploitation".Specific grants for entities serving victimsIn the same way, the Department collaborates in a coordinated manner with the social entities that are in charge of detecting, assisting and reintegrating victims of trafficking into employment.

In all fiscal years, the Murcia City Council grants specific subsidies for the development of social care programs in this regard.Likewise, since 2015 the City Council has supported all citizen awareness campaigns carried out by the A-21 organization, which it supports with the contribution of financial and technical resources to facilitate the achievement of its social objectives.Pilar Torres pointed out that "from my department we work tirelessly every day to fully meet the basic needs of people who suffer trafficking.

For this reason, we are going to design all the necessary policies to help these victims normalize their lives and leave of the complicated situation in which they find themselves ".

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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